A Heart for Armenia: The Mission of a German Lawyer - Professor Lucas Flöther as Honorary Consul

"I am grateful to be part of the bridge between Germany and Armenia," says Lucas Flöther, a German restructuring expert and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in the Free State of Saxony in an exclusive interview with Sirarpi Movsisyan.

What motivated you, as a well-known lawyer, to take on the role of Honorary Consul?

With an Armenian wife, two half-Armenian children, and as someone who has frequently visited and come to love the wonderful country of Armenia, I simply could not turn down this honorable offer to become the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia.

How do you view your role as Honorary Consul in building stronger legal and diplomatic relations between Germany and Armenia?

Many Germans are still unfamiliar with Armenia and all its splendid facets. I see myself as a “brand ambassador” who introduces this remarkable country to everyone interested. I often answer many questions about the history, culture, economy, and politics of Armenia, as well as how people live there. Everyone to whom I have had the chance to showcase the country has been enthusiastic.

I am grateful to be part of the bridge between Germany and Armenia. This role accompanies me everywhere—whether at an international lawyers’ congress or a private gathering․

What significant milestones have you achieved in your role as Honorary Consul?

As the Honorary Consul of Armenia in Saxony, I focus on initiatives to promote Armenian culture, heritage, and interests in Germany. My legal and economic background supports these efforts. Some examples of our work include:

Memorandum of Understanding between Leipzig and Yerevan: In September 2021, we coorganized the signing of a memorandum that marked the beginning of a fruitful partnership between Leipzig and Yerevan.

Cultural Information Trip to Armenia: In April 2023, we led a study trip to Armenia for German politicians and business leaders to experience the culture firsthand and explore new cooperation opportunities.

Photo Exhibition on Armenian Culture: From May 2 to May 23, we presented a photo exhibition in collaboration with the City of Leipzig and the Armenian Embassy, showcasing Armenia's rich heritage and landscapes.

What fuels your passion for Armenia and its people amidst such a demanding professional life?

For things you do with love and passion, you always find time! And Armenia is simply a matter of the heart for me.

The interview was conducted by Sirarpi Movsisyan.

About us

The Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Saxony serves as a key bridge between Armenia and the Saxony. Our mission is to strengthen diplomatic, cultural, educational, and economic relations, while also fostering tourism and facilitating investment opportunities in Armenia.


Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Armenia
in Saxony

Nikolaistraße 3-5 (Specks Hof), D-04109 Leipzig

+49-341 69767-581

+49-341 69767-580

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